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Letting Go of the Imposter Syndrome!


It’s been a while my darlings… at least it feels that way for me.

A lot has happened since our last shared post and I’m sure with all the current cosmic transits including five planets currently in retrograde motion: Venus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury, Uranus will be joining the crowd on August 29th, and lastly Jupiter taking the place of Venus on September 4th, you are feeling it all. Let's not forget Chiron (the wounded healer), which has been in retrograde since July 23rd and will be until December 27th. - (That was quite a mouth full)!

With these many planets in retrograde chances are you may have been feeling as if something inside of you is just waiting to surface from the depths of your soul, like a volcano but you can’t seem to put your finger on what exactly that may be. This is what retrogrades are all about. Retrogrades allow us to sit for a while and revisit areas of our lives we might have forgotten, ignored or buried. It feels like a boiling pot at times, brewing the perfect stew and waiting for us to serve it to the world outside of us. Retrogrades allow us the time to reassess, learn, and discern on what kind and amount of wisdom we bring forward when they finally go in direct motion. During this time of retrogrades galore, take it slow, don't be too hard on yourself or others around you. Allow yourself the time to grow spiritually and emotionally, time is not about what you have, but how you best make use of it. Pace yourself and be present!

I recently had a deep convo with one my astrology mentors and we were discussing transits and progressions of the planets, even for us astrologers we are always in awe and amazement as to how influential planets are in our lives, how much of what we experience is written in our charts and how pivotal moments are activated by cosmic synchronistic movements. There are so many A-HA! moments when you first realize that everything happens for a reason, season, and purpose. Astrology is one of those amazing tools that gives you so many of those A-HA moments and can help you fill the gaps the big questions you may have. Astrology adds its flavor to the missing pieces, and helps you put it all together.

If you are curious as to what planetary transits or progressions may have played a significant role in your past experiences, current situation, or what you may encounter in the near future, I would love to show you how you too can track these in your own chart even without having to learn astrology in depth. The cosmic language is truly beautiful and reveals so much of our deepest parts and purpose of our lives.

As you may know if you follow my stories, I recently attended my first National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) annual convention. I’ll share a little today of this memorable experience, and even some photos of my time with new friends and leaders in the hypnosis world. I had planned this for over a year, and yet as a true introvert (not to mention all the retrogrades acting out behind the scenes), I tried talking myself out of attending just a week before the event. Typical of what I do when I encounter fear of the unknown and crowds. Thank god for my biggest supporters and cheer tribe (my kiddos), they refused to let me back out and the next thing I knew I was north bound on a plane heading to Boston. I forgot what it felt like to be surrounded with like-minded people who spoke my language.

The camaraderie was inspiring, and the eagerness to welcome everyone despite how novice or seasoned we were in the field was one of a kind. Sometimes when we first launch our practices, we doubt ourselves, that damn imposter syndrome is a real thing. Finding our niche can become a labyrinth we travel far for too long and never seem to figure out. To find so many other colleagues who are, or have been in the same place I've been was the boost of inspiration that I needed to solidify my goals and passion.

What am I living for and what am I dying for are the same question. – Margaret Atwood

When I became a hypnotist, my goal was to add to my endless toolbox of holistic modalities and quench my thirst for knowledge. I know the power of the subconscious mind is miraculous, I’ve personally experienced it and know so many others that have as well. Not to mention the vast scientific evidence that exists and is available which is why the use of clinical hypnosis was recognized as a healing modality by the American Medical Association in the late 1950’s. Attending the convention was a breath of fresh air. I learned so much, I made new friends, I took notes galore, I danced, sang, and came back with an even bigger desire to share with my clients and loved ones how transformational hypnosis can be. In simple terms, I fell in love all over again with what I do!

Once you are aligned with your souls purpose, somehow and in some magical way the Universe does conspire to make things happen. Since my return from the convention a lot has happened, doors have opened and I’m beginning to let go of the fear of that infamous imposter syndrome. I know what I know, what I love, what I’ve spent years studying and applying to my own life that I can attest to works. I realized that I've helped so many people I've crossed path with and just because I didn’t have a business back in those years doesn’t mean or negate they didn’t happen. The one thing I am learning as I go is that if I follow my heart and passion, I will be O.K. We can’t always see the bigger picture, but we can always choose to acknowledge there is a picture and we get to adjust the colors, hues, and tones as often as we need to and call it our own masterpiece.

By the way, if you know anything about me is that I am not keen of pictures, or sharing them if I'm in them, just my zodiac Crab/Introvert preference. However, sometimes I tend to break outside the shell and I realize how fun it can be to be outside sharing life with others! Here are a few of those moments I stepped outside my little introvert shell at the NGH convention. Oh, if you've never been to a hypnosis stage show, do yourself a favor and attend one, I haven't laughed so hard for 3 straight hours in years!! Tommy Vee delivered the best stage show and is a genius in the field. (Top left picture with Tommy)



I hope as you read this today, you too continue to follow your heart. Find what sets your soul in motion, go at your own speed, release those fears and say NO to the slightest thought of imposter syndrome. Embrace the artist inside of you that is eager to share with the world those beautiful gifts only you have that make you authentic and unique. You simply can’t go wrong when you are being your truest and most authentic self.

xo, ~Sandy

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